Friday, April 29, 2011

A Date or a Hang Out?

So... Last night I talked to Tyler. He thinks I've been avoiding him, and asked if I was busy for the rest of break... I was so close to hanging out with Henry today... But I went to the movies with Tyler instead... We went to see 'Limitless'... He picked me up and drove us there, the only sucky part of the equation, is that his brother had to come, which was just a bit awkward. But in the middle of the movie I just decided to use his shoulder for a head rest... But only after he was making it perfect obvious that he wanted to be holding hands. So, when I put my head on his shoulder, I also put my hand on his arm, then he put his hand over my hand and I just loved it… Then for like the last 20 minutes of the movie he put his other hand over my other hand and I turned my hand over and we intertwined fingers… =]
Now THAT was a date that I really, really did enjoy… He got a little mad when he saw that I was texting Henry too. But that’s a good thing.
Oh and Tyler really wanted a hug from me. I could tell. Because sometimes when he says something like semi-mean he’s like “Oh, I’m sorry, do you want a hug?” And that’s what happened and I rolled my eyes and said no. And he’s like “Are you sure?” and held out his arm, but we were sitting down, so it would have been a mega awkward hug. And then like 5 minutes later he said something else then asked “Do you want a hug?” and I was like laughing and said “No!” And I think it’s funny how he wanted a hug… And during the movie, and would always look down at me, and I would look up at him and he would caress my face… I’ve never have had a guy (Or anyone for a matter of fact) CARESS my face… And he did it a few times, like he wanted to kiss me… And that’s what it seemed like was going to happen. Us end up kissing… But I’m not sure if I would want that… Like I would, but I don’t know if my first kiss was enough… Security to have a kiss with Tyler, when he’s probably made out with each of his girlfriends that he has had…
I have finally made my choice... Between Henry and Tyler I mean... Of course, it's Tyler, or I would have been hanging out with Henry on a lunch date. I CHOOSE Tyler!

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Controlling Boyfriend... But we aren't dating...?

So Wednesday I put my Facebook status as: “You're not worth the time that this is taking... ” And Tyler texted me and was like “What’s with the Facebook post?” and I said “It’s a song. Chill out.” Then he said “So a major coincidence? It kinda put a damper on things here for me…” and I said “That wasn’t the intention…” Then he said he had to go… I was hoping he would have asked to go see a movie or something… And that was the first text in a week!!! A WEEK! And it’s him getting MAD at me?!?! UGH. I like him way too much for him to be getting mad at my song lyrics that I post on Facebook! This sucks.
And guess what? Henry’s Bi. Yes. He’s freaking Bi! Yey! This sucks! And I don’t know what to do anymore… If Tyler finds out about Henry, he will hate me… But at the same time, I want Tyler to find out I’m still talking to him. Is that wrong of me?

Tuesday, April 26, 2011


I seriously just woke up from a nightmare. I thought I was pregnant. And Henry was flirting with freshmen that I knew!!! It was horrible...
There's like my really close friend, Beth, who's a freshmen in my 8th period class. And there was this other girl, Corey, who is also in my 8th period class. And then there was Henry.
In my dream This is what happened:
I was walking around HCC campus, then I started to freak out, because I thought I forgot I was pregnant. And I was going to my first classes. And so then I was at my High School and had to go into a class that Tyler was in, and he didn't see me, and I rushed out. I started to walk with Beth and then we saw Henry. Just sitting there. Then BETH like sat on his lap and started to talk to him. And I'm like 'What in the world?!' And so 8th period rolls around, and I walk into the class and this Corey girl is being talked to about Henry, and shes like "Well, did you see how Beth was on his lap??" And so I was freaking out, thinking, "They think Henry's is BETH'S and he's mine!!??!!!!!" So I sit down and so does Beth and we're talking, and she brings out this book that has all of this written crud on in. And she was like "Yeah, he gave this to me." And I was like "This is Henry's? Henry wrote this???" And she's like "Yeah!" And I was glowing green I could just feel it. And I didn't really read what was on it, but it was like all sweet things about her, I bet... And so when I was opening the book I was thinking "This can't be happening" then "This is just a dream. It's just a dream!" So, I forced myself to wake up from that horrible nightmare. I have to tell my friend, Jenni about this because she tells me what my dreams mean...

Monday, April 25, 2011

No New Messages

Tyler hasn't texted me, and tomorrow will be a week that we haven't texted each other. And I just want to talk to him... And Henry just doesn't understand why I don't want to be his girlfriend, and right now, I only have half a reason why I shouldn't be, and it's because I'm afraid that what Tyler said about Henry, is true. Or will become true... He keeps bringing it up and I don't want to date him! I just don't and he says he'll wait until I feel more comfortable about it, but I want to tell him not to wait and to move on and that we shouldn't text each other anymore... We shouldn't try to pretend that this will turn into something, because I will not allow it to turn into something... But I think I should go and date Henry, because then that will make Tyler jealous, but then I would just be using Henry... I hate this. =\
I kind of wish that I could show this blog to Henry so he would know the whole truth without having to explain it...

Sunday, April 24, 2011

He's Making me Nervous

Tyler hasn't texted me, and Henry has been texting me...
Henry is just making me like him, but I don't want to like him, and as long as Tyler is in my life, I won't like Henry as much as I like Tyler.
Tyler has turned into old Bobbie and Henry has turned into old Tyler.
How ironic.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Wanting Wishing Waiting

I want Tyler to text me already.
I wish that Tyler would text me to hang out.
And I'm waiting for my wish and wants to come true, because I can't do anything to make them come true.. =[

Friday, April 22, 2011

Spring Break is Here!

First day of Spring Break and today I have decided to clean my room = D
Yey. With Tyler... I just really really like him... But we haven't really talked lately... I'm afraid about how things will work out, and how he's feeling about me... Because yesterday I had to go to 7th period and then turn in a paper, and I got to class early, which for 7th period I have Teacher Assistant, and I TA for his 7th period teacher... And so I went into his class and got my log-in sheet, which was due that day, talked to the teacher real quick explaining where I will be and if he wanted anything while I was gone, and he said no, and this was before the bell rang so people were still not in the room, walking down the hall still walking toward his room, and such. So I left the room and walked back to my regular classroom to turn in the paper, and this guy... (Lane, I guess we will call him)... hugged me (I love his hugs hes a huge teddy bear.) and we were talking when he hug me, and we were like walking backwards while we were hugging, and I saw Tyler walking down the hall, and he was walking toward us. And so after hugging Lane, I kept walking down the hall and I kind of poked Tyler and he grabbed my hand, and then he was like "Whats the paper?" I told him, and this next part was weird... He kind of moved, not a flinch but somewhat like a flinch. And I was like "What?" And he said "Nothing..." So I kept walking... It was weird.
AND yesterday morning I was talking with my friend and when the bell rang I was getting my stuff and Tyler was a little ways away from me and called my name and I looked up, and he waved goodbye to me. And I was just so confused. I am wondering why would he feel like he needed to say bye to me?
And yesterday I had the CUTEST outfit on, with my new heels! It was adorable. And so was I, of course, even though the shoes were killing me.
So, I wore the outfit and it was club day. My club for that day was poetry club, which Henry is the co-president, if I haven't said that before. And while going into the classroom I saw Bobbie... Lately, any time I actually see Bobbie, I ignore him, I pretend I didn't see him. But I was feeling just oh so happy, because Toby saw me and said I looked nice today, which was like five minutes before seeing Bobbie, so when he waved at me I actually smiled back. I guess I ignore him, because I don't want to look into his eyes and fall back in love with him... And right now, trying to see his eyes, I can't! So, if I don't look at him I can't think about him... Or imagine anything crazy happening... And when I say crazy I mean like him wanting me back or asking me out. Bobbies a charmer, and I fall for charm very easily... Especially from Bobbie... I'll always have a soft spot in my heart for him, which sucks.
And after club I was going to my locker, and Tyler was going down that hall, which is weird, because I've never seen him go down that hall before, so I wonder why he decided to do it yesterday, and he stoped by me and thought I was mad... I wasn't, I was actually very happy, I had just gotten out of my hell hole of an awkward club with Henry... And so he was like, okay well I'll talk to you later, but I hugged him before he left...
And now I will not see any of them (Henry, Toby, Tyler, or Bobbie) for 10 days! Unless Henry kind of makes me hang out with him. Or Tyler texts me asking to hang out.
I will be strong and NOT text Tyler until he texts me FIRST. And asks ME to hang out with HIM. No other way will I hang out with him. He's the guy, he needs to start acting like one.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Feeling Worse With Every Text

So, Henry has been texting me... And he asked me last night what it would take to get a kiss from me... And I'm trying to not text him, and give him reasons to not text me... But it's not working... He said he had dreamed that he had gotten a kiss from me... I feel so bad, because I want to be with Tyler... And I guess I'm leading on Henry... And I wish I could just tell him the truth.
Nothing has really changed with Tyler and I. Which is good. Very good.
I feel bad for texting Henry, like I'm cheating on Tyler, but we're not dating... So what if I go hang out with Henry next week? It's not like Tyler will stop hanging out with Angela just because we both said that we like eachother... Plus he's probably going to go on that stupid date with the girl she set him up with.
This sucks.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Again, things turn complicated

So, yesterday... Tyler and I admitted that we liked each other... And I don't think I want to change anything between us...
And today I realized how hard it would be to actually would be... Trying to explain it to Henry... And Tyler told me that Angela set him on a date... Why would she do that!?!?! Why would he let her do that...?
It's just all too complicated... I wish being with Tyler wasn't complicated at all... This is worse than trying to be with Bobbie!

Monday, April 18, 2011

I feel like crud.

Tyler is texting me right now... And he's just dancing around the fact that he likes me... And I don't know what to think!!!! I hate this. And I like Tyler way more than I like Henry, because, to be honest, I don't even think I ever liked Henry... But Tyler right now is making me feel as if I did something wrong... And I don't know what I can do at this point. This is more complicated than with Bobbie... And I don't want Tyler to tell me he likes me, because I don't want to admit that I like him. And I just... Don't know!!! I just wish that I would have never tried to go to that stupid Heard 'Em Say event... If I wouldn't have tried to go to that, then none of this would be happening now. And even if it was, at least I wouldn't be in the sistuation as I am now... Am I just a terrible person????

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Tyler Tyler Tyler... I mean... Henry...

So last night, literally like 15 minutes before I was about to hang out with Henry at the poetry jam... Tyler texted me. Tyler texted me and we got on the subject of me going on a date. And he kind of got fussy and said that Henry was manipluative and a creep.. And I was like what is going on... You don't even know him..But whatever. Doesn't matter because Tyler always knows best. And so while he's saying such horrid things about him, which is making me kind of nervus for hanging out with him... I said "... I'm about to hand out with him right now..." And he's like "Good luck, don't say I didn't warn you." And I was like "Tyler..." He replied with "What?" And I was like "... Nevermind..." him "No, just tell me, it wasn't meant to appear frustrated..." doesn't it seem as if he was frustrated with me? And I just said "Nothing. Just. Nothing. Bye." And he texted back "No, wait..." And I'm thinking 'What could you posibly tell me right now??' but I replied with "Yes?" because I know if I would have said what then he would be like "Whatever nevermind. Bye!" and and texted back "Text me afterwards?" When I saw that I was like... Did he seriously just ask me to text him after I hang out with Henry??? Why would he care? So the rest of the convo went like this:
Me: It is afterwards... (11:54 p.m.)
Tyler: You don't have to...
M: It's fine.
T: It doesn't matter... Either way, I screwed everything up...
M: How?
T: Never mind...
M: No.. Tell me...
T: Like it matters. You're [Henry]'s now. Too late to change that now.
M: I'm not anyones, [Tyler].
T: Right.
M: [Tyler]. Please explain..
T: No need. It's happening all too similarly. It's like a damn flashback.
M: ...
T: Just forget about it.
M: [Tyler].. You've been saying all year that I'm your little sister... You can't just give me half assed answers...
T: Why not?
M: Because! You can't just start to say someting.. And just stop... [Tyler]...
T: What?
M: Finish what you started please.
T: I don't see why.
M: I do..
T: Then why?
M: Because it might actually make a difference!
T: MIGHT being the key word.
And so on. TYLER likes ME. He's freaking JEALOUS. HOW GREAT IS THAT?!?!?! It kind of sucks too... Because he's pulling a Bobbie on me... I just like Tyler more than I like Henry, and Henry was texting me today and was saying what he could call me... And I was like "Idk" and he's like "What would you call me?" and I'm like "You're my friend..." and he was like: "Good enough for me ;)" and then "Though I must admit a bit of disappointment that it isn't something more ;)" And all I could say was "Sorry.. We don't really have a title." And I don't WANT a title with Henry... I've known this...
And I have been thinking that Bobbie has been my muse for far too long, and I need a new muse. So Friday night I tried to make Henry my muse... It didn't work... Last night, I made Tyler my muse... I wrote a really good poem too...

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Today. Today. Tonight.

I cannot wait for tonight. Tonight my mother is actually letting me go to the poetry jam tonight, she probably knows I want to go just because of Henry, but I don't think she really knows. I didn't put up such a fight. But it starts at 9 p.m. and ends around 2 a.m. but I can only stay there til midnight. =/
But I get to hang out with Henry... I'm not so sure if this is good or bad...
Yesterday during 1st period I was talking to someone about the play. (But just the play, not who I was with or anything like that.) and this girl was like "OMG! So how was your date!??!?!" I kind of got scared. Like I could tell that he probably told her, which didn't really bother me. I kind of like how he did tell someone... So I know I wasn't the only loser who was at least a little excited... But I only told three people. And two of them, probably don't even remember that I told them.
So, I am going tonight, but I can't wear any skirts or shorts = [  Mother said that was her one thing I had to do. What the heck, right??
And on my date with him, I wore a skirt, so I think I'll wear my skinny jeans. That will be my most pants I can look stylish in..

Friday, April 15, 2011

Wanted to Make A Note

Today, I finally didn't want to hear him talk. I felt insulted. It kind of made me mad that I had gotten mad.

Thursday, April 14, 2011


So, I just got home from my date with Henry. =] Today I was all smiles and Tyler is wondering why I am in such a good mood.
Tyler actually texted me suring intermission and was like "Somethings off..." and I replied "Can't talk right now." And he didn't reply then I texted back about like an hour and a half later and asked "What is off?" And he said "I'm not sure..." But he doesn't want to talk right now.
But back to the date... There was some awkward moments, but overall, it went pretty well... In my opinion. We talked about a lot of things. He's into History. Ew. But whatever.
He was really sweet... But that's Henry for you..

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Have No Idea Where I'm Headed

Soo.... Remember that super hott guy I talked about a few weeks ago? Yeah, he's still super hott. And it's akward trying to talk to him. BUUUT. Then again I don't have to worry about that, because I have Henry... So today we were suppose to go on a date, but I can't because I don't have a ride, and he wants to start hanging out. And yeah... Soooo... I don't know what this is going to do to help me with my writing, but April is the writing month, and I am feeling the inspiration! I just need a muse, now. Help? Ah, what the heck.
Tyler was in a good mood today just as I was in a good mood, but this morning when I woke up, it felt like I was waking up with a hang over. It was God awful.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011


I really just wanted to write today. I like this blog as a daily reminder... I really do..
So, today, because it is Tuesday, one of my close friends, Abby, hung out with me in the morning; sometimes I hang out with Tyler in the mornings. So Abby and I were talking this morning, and Tyler came up to me and gave me a hug. And I hugged him, and it was like, okay, whatever, it's Tyler. So, after the first bell rang, telling us to get to class, I was walking with Abby, and Tyler came up, and I didn't do anything. And he's like "Okay, fine." And I'm just thinking "What do you want me to do?" So after 6th period, it was a messed up schedule today, I was going to 2nd period, and I saw Tyler and decided to walk to class with him, and plus his 2nd period is by my locker and I had to go to my locker anyways, so I'm walking with him, and we don't get mad at eachother. I maybe poked him once, and then when I got to my locker, bottom locker of course, I kneel down to it, and he's like "Well, I don't want to be late, so I'll see you later." And he hugged me from behind. Which was nice... It was just a nice hug... But of course I love hugging Tyler.
And I am kind of worried about Henry still. And we are going to go to the school play together, and hopefully go to this poetry jam this weekend with him... I really can't wait...

Monday, April 11, 2011

11 more days - Scratch that 60.

11 more days until my spring break.
60 more days until school is completely over.
In 60 more days, I will no longer be a lower classman.
In 60 days, I'll be a junior and my year of being a 10th grader, will be over.
And I will have to create a new blog. Because. I will no longer be a 10th grader...
XDDD I feel so bad for anyone who ever reads this. That was me trying to be like serious and excited at the same time. How'd I do??? Yeah, I will never know.
I can't wait for the summer. I might be growing up to fast, but I know I won't end up falling.
I know that I should be happy to be a high school student and to be a child still.
But, just as any other high school student out there, I want to grow up. I want to be in college. I want my life to be just that: MY life! I'll be attending UT and love my years of being in college and not wait to get into my career as a kindergarten teacher. A teacher. Who would have thought that I would have become a KINDERGARTEN teacher??
This summer I'll be taking, hopefully, three college classes. I'll be a college student at HCC!!!! How freaking cool is that?! I love the way my life is falling just into the right places right now.
I love how I can go a day without thinking about Tyler. And I love how right now, I want to text Henry and NOT Tyler. Or Bobbie. I love how in second period today went people were talking about the date, I thought to myself "Oh, it is the 11th, isn't it? How great!!" And I love how I was in such a fantastic mood today, even though it IS the 11th! Even though I DID have the FCATS. Even though I only got 6 and 1/2 hours of sleep last night!
Henry is doing this to me, I guess. I am just super happy! And right now, nothing can change that.
I have 60 days. And I am going to end my sophomore year, happy.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Warming Up?

I'm kind of warming up to the thought of Henry... He's like super sweet... But I'm afraid that I shouldn't try to go out with him... But maybe it will work out. He's a Senior... So, 16 and 18 shouldn't mesh correctly right?
Although, right now thinking about it, I feel more comfortable talking to adults more than I do with students my age. Weird? But Henry is like really mature.. And again, sweet. Like sweeter than Bobbie, which I thought would be difficult to beat. But Bobbie is no match of Henry.. No match at all. A few things that worry me about Henry is that he is not a Christian at all. Like he's a full on atheist. But he hasn't tried to really push his opinion on me, which is nice. He respects my views, just as I do for his. For anyone who has different views than I do. I may not agree, but I agree to disagree.
Just thinking though, I might really try to go on a date with with him. I might actually enjoy it. = ]

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Facebook/text urges

I just had the urge to look at Bobbies Facebook, probably shouldn't have done that, I had already felt bad. Now I feel worse. Apparently Tyler has been trying to be nice, and I don't recognize it, and he's mad about it. So now, I have to try and not annoy him. Thing is, I never try. = [
With Henry, I don't know. My sister was so called 'In love' with him, so if I were to even consider [Which I am doing right now] to hang out with him tomorrow, how will that ordeal turn out? I mean, it's worse than dating Bobbie, which was my best friend's ex. It's a boy that my own sister had a crush on. Am I a horrible person???
And if I'm not, then why am I feeling really belly tied, and wanting to ask my mother for permission. I don't even have to ask for permission! When I was going to date Bobbie for the 3rd time, my mother even said I don't need her permission... So why do I have a feeling she'll say no? Should I go? Or because I am even thinking that I shouldn't, should I not?
This girl in track said: "I don't know. Means No."
And right now I really don't know if I want to say no. =/

Moving on?

So, I kind of don't want to say anything. But I will tell you my whole week:
Sunday: Went to the beach with my best guy friend, Chad. And coming home I get a text from the poetry co-president. (Let’s name him...Henry.) Weird, kind of. I have barely said anything to him even at poetry, the only time I had ever talked to him, was to find out why I wasn't able to find him on Facebook. Yeah, weirder thing is: He asked me out. I didn't say yes... I don't think I want to go out with him.

Monday: I re-took my CPT again, and I passed, which meant I am able to take my freshmen English in dual enrollment over the summer, instead of doing AP Lang, at school. And So I only went to school for less than two hours, and when I first got there, I had to talk to the college consular to get me all set up for Dual Enrollment. When I got there, with my mother, it was 5th period, and Henry was sitting there waiting to talk to another consular. And he kind of talked to me, but it was like mega awkward, as it is always when I talk to a guy, I can't really talk to at all... And so, thank God, The lady I needed to talk to, walked in maybe five minutes after we got there. So, we got that taken care of, and the rest of the day was whatever.

Tuesday: I was really sick. I didn't go to school at all. I texted Henry and went to the doctors. I have a new doctor. I don't like him; he wouldn't give me a referral to see my dermatologist and was like "It's a waste of the government’s money." And I was just not in the mood to hear that. And I was just so mad. So we were there for like two hours for nothing. And now I am taking five pills of medicine in the morning and nine at night. So much fun, huh?
Wednesday: Nothing happened.  But when I first got to school Tyler hugged me, and I hugged him back, and you know how when you hug someone it's just a squeeze and release? Well, when I squeezed, I started to release, but Tyler didn't... It doesn't mean anything, because the last time I talked to him was Saturday, and he did not text me to find out where I had been for the past two days, I could have been dead, and he not notice. But I thought the hug was nice... Just not Tyler-ish. I wore a very cute outfit, a skirt with a tank-top, with a cover up, but what really tied the outfit together was my necklace and earrings, and I had a sailor theme. I found out the teacher I T.A. for, his mother died. This is the 3rd teacher of mine that a parent has died; I guess it happened in the middle of 7th period, which is when I go in for him, so I am happy I didn't have to deal with that craziness. Now I don't know when he will come back home from school.
After school, Tyler texted me, and asked me to divide something I maybe talked to him for half an hour, and then before he could get mad at me I said bye. I don't think he wanted to not text me... But he was like "Okay... Bye."

Thursday: Boring day. I talked to Toby, not about much though. Tyler, I don't think, likes me talking to him because when he comes out of his classroom and sees me talking to him, he kind of just stands there, and I think even Toby senses it... And even though Tyler told me to come with him to class, he didn't really say anything... He didn't even hug me, but lately when he puts out his arms for a hug (with the exception of yesterday) I just shake my head, and he doesn't get a hug. And maybe then he will realize something? But mostly it's because I love his hugs too much, and I have to not thrive off of them, until he is nice to me...

Friday: Boring and didn't feel like Friday. Before 8th period, I was talking to my little freshmen, and Tyler came up, for her, of course, but she was preoccupied with Bobbie, which was bothering me. Tyler came up and I hugged him then. I just had to. I also had a track meet, in which I did the 4x800. And my race members did not want me to perform with them. But my coach wanted me in it, so I ran, I believe I did very very even though I lost our lead of being in first, I was third to run, the last person got us so much further behind and made up for nothing. So we got 2nd place for that, as I had a panic attack because I couldn't breathe after that, and I was trying to throw up, but there was nothing to throw up. It was horrible. And I was texting Henry like all day, and I like texting him. Then he asked if we could hang out, but I don't even know if I can, like I don't feel comfortable with going out with him... I don't know why. But the thing is, this is how my mind was going about with me wanting to hang out with Tyler, was as a friend, of course I don't have to tell my mother that it's a date, if it's a date. And I think he can tell that I don't want to go, which really isn't the case. It's just me siking myself out. Oh and during 3rd period I was texting two guys who I don't really like like, barely like as people, really, and this girl asked me if I had a crush on one of them, and I was like "No." And she was like "That makes you a slut." Great huh? Now I am a slut. For texting people who I don't like, because I am 'leading them on'. THEY text me! I can't decide that! It's not like I bug them to death with text, but it's not like they do that to me.

Saturday: Which is today. it's only 9:26, 16 minutes ago Tyler started to text me. I have done very well in trying not to text him. Which I haven’t been the first to text him. But if he texts me, it's alright, right? So I am pretty much only typing this out and waiting for Henry to wake up, because I guess, last night I was sleep texting him for a good half hour. Nice huh? And I'm trying to make plans to see a movie with Tyler. This is a bad idea, I just know it. I hate myself.

Spring is arisen

So, Last Friday, the 1st of April, I went to my first real concert. And let me tell you the full on story. Which points might be boring but I want to have every moment written down.
So hear it goes:

At 12:05 I left my math class with the excuse of a 'doctor's appointment'. I went to my locker and got my sleep over bag, because I was going to sleep over at my friends, Jenni's, house afterwards. With that bag I had my pet penguin, Waffles, whom I cannot sleep without. And I go to the office. I have my All Time Low T-shirt on, with some light colored jeans. Jenni's mother was in charge of picking us up. So I was walking out, and I saw her mom and said hi and walked her to the office then went to the restroom to switch out my long heavy jeans to cute white booty shorts. I walked out to the car and put my stuff in the truck. Then we went on with our adventure. Me skipping school and track practice. Half way to the House of Blues, her mother gets a phone call. Apparently someone who was working for her was in ICU and was pretty much dying of cancer. Her mother was like "Should I turn around?" And I started freaking out. Sure, the concert was at 7:00 BUT we were leaving school early to get there EARLY. So we continued to the House of Blues. Thank God. So we eat at the House of Blues, because apparently, if you eat there, then you can get into this line called the 'pass the line'. So it was a pass the line, line. Fun, huh? So we got into this line around 3:00 and took pictures because we were bored. We looked around while my friend’s mother stayed in line. When we got back in line, I met a new friend. Her name was Shania. The people in charge of the line were making us get up and kind of get closer to each other. No biggie. So, in the middle of all of that, Shania tripped. And then held her face in her hands, I thought she was crying at first, but everyone was freaking out, thinking that she fainted. And while she was still standing someone was screaming: "Someone catch her! She's going to fall!!!!" So, like the heroic person I am, I reached out for her and held her stomach, while her back was facing my tummy. I eased her to the ground and gave her some water. One worker came over and called the main person in charge who pretty much asked her for her name and age, which I had to give because Shania came alone, and Jenni wasn't talking. Shania was 19 so they didn't have to call her parents and such, they told her to stay out of the pits.
I am one oblivious idiot. 'The Pits'. I had NO idea; I was dumbfounded and asked Jenni: "The Pit's?" she was like "Yea, the mosh pits." I had no real idea what a mosh pit was... I thought it was a bunch of idiots who decide it would be cool to jump and lay on top of one another. I soon found out I was wrong. but that is later in the story.
So once we actually get up front, like only 5 or 6 people are in front of us, I thought it was a perfect area. There was a super cute guy behind me, not that I really paid attention to him at first. So the concert begins, and the crazy comes just as quick. It seemed when we first got into the House of Blues, that we were maybe a good 12 - 14 yards away from the stage, and I wasn't too close to anyone. But when the curtains pulled up, everything was different. There was pushing and screaming, while The Summer Set was starting to play. We ended up being like 8 - 10 yards away from the stage. Which is good. And bad. I mean like, when you are at a crazy concert, you’re not moving, people are pushing you and making you move. You have NO control over the places you go. The people you are around do. So in the middle of the first song of The Summer Set, I had found out it was easier to jump with the crowd, than it is to just stand still. This guy behind me {Remember the cute one I mentioned?}, looked at me and said "Sorry, if I am touching your ass, I can’t really move my hands" And at that point I really didn't care, he was cute; I was never going to see him again. Just What eves.
In the middle of Hey Monday singing, Jenni had a little problem with some girl who was yelling at her because she was touching her. So Jenni thought it would be just a great idea to move. So instead of having only 6 people in front of us, we moved and 6 turned into 15. This pissed me off.
Next band up was YellowCard. The DEMONS of YellowCard. So when the crowd pushed one way, the other side of the crowd pushes back. Well, I think I pushed and this whole crowd was being push and when the pushed back, I was pushed to the ground. My friend Jenni was sitting on top of me, and sorry to say she's not skinny =/. And like someone else was on top of my head and then the rest of the people who were push was in top of Jenni, which meant even MORE weight on me! I was the only one completely on the ground. I was laying there, screaming my head off because I was terrified... What do you do when you're being buried alive by people?
But During All Time Lows performance, Jack came off the stage and grabbed my hand!!!! (Along with other people’s hands, too. But still.) And I got some really good pictures on my phone there with them performing, and I am mad at myself, because I didn't bring my bra, to throw on stage. = [  There was a whole microphone stand filled with bras!!!
Then we were texting Jenni's mom and we said what we wanted. We wanted a t-shirt, a wristband, and preordered CD. And she got: One T-Shirt. One wristband. One CD. So I had to go back and buy my stuff and they were OUT of CDs!!!!! I was SO freaking pissed at the mom. She was supposed to get two of each for the both of us!!!!! And with the CD you get a autographed thing. And When Jenni got hers she was like "Omg! They signed it!" And I was like "Isn't that kind of the point?" And she’s like "Well, yeah, but, they signed it!!" I was just so, ugh.
And so after we got everything we were waiting outside for ATL to come out and we could meet them and Jenni's like: "Let’s leave." And I'm like "What?" She just wanted to leave!!! And I was like "This will be my only time to get them to sign anything! You have the booklet, I have nothing!!!" And like 10 minutes later I was just so fed up and I was like "Fine, let's go, but I want to go home. There’s no point of me sleeping over."
And she’s like "Why are we leaving?" And I was like "We probably aren’t even going to meet them." And she's like "Who?" And I'm thinking "WHO ARE WE WAITING FOR?!?!?!!? ARE YOU THAT RETARDED??" And I really said "THEM. Who else is them?!?"
To top it all off, during the concert Tyler texted me and for some reason, when I tried to open the text, I my phone would shut down, and I was freaking out because, 1st it was a new phone, and 2nd because I wanted to know what Tyler was wanting to tell me at 10 at night, which normally means he wants to talk at night... And I sometimes love talking to him. So when we are leaving at midnight, I texted him and asked him if he was still up. And He calming said yes. Which I thought was a good sign, but then I asked him if he would just stay up for a little bit. And that’s when he got upset... And he was like: "Why?!!?" And I was just really not in the mood. I was on the urge of crying over this stupid night. And I was like "Never mind... Good Night..." And then he was like "Wait... Why?" and I said "It's nothing. You don't want to talk. Night." And he said night.. And I thought that was it, but like 10 minutes later he texted me and was like "Okay, let's talk." So I was texting him all the way home. He kept me sane for most of it. Thank God.
I got home and cried because I was so frustrated. I know that’s weird, but it's true. I stayed up til 4 telling my mother about my awful experience. I kind of had to, to explain why I was coming home at one in the morning...
So yeah. That was my concert experience. Wonderful, right?